From the Editors

Leading off this issue, Kristin Rivero revisits the role of mediation in Zora Neale Hurston’s fiction and anthropological research. On the related topic of mediation, Elvin Meng considers media affinities between interwar psychical research and Vladimir Nabokov’s idiosyncratic conception of narrative fiction as a spatial (rather than temporal) medium. Allan Antliff explores Ananda Coomaraswamy’s anarchist championing of Walt Whitman’s sexual...Read more

Current Print Issue

31-2 Cover

Zora Neale Hurston’s Recorder
Kristin Rivero

4′′ x 6′′ Time Machines: Nabokovian Mnemotechnics and Interwar Psychical Research
Elvin Meng

Cosmopolitan Anarchy: Ananda...Read more


Photo of table with toys and books on it


In the years after the Spanish Flu, no one wanted to talk about it. Elizabeth Outka describes this phenomenon of cultural erasure in her timely book Viral Modernism (2019). [1] A global pandemic that killed more people than World War I was rarely represented directly in modernist literature. Illness was harder to memorialize than war; it challenged narrative structures; it was a miasma rather than a blast. In examining these gaps...

Jul 24, 2024


Responses to the Responses to the Special Issue on Weak Theory

It’s been nearly a year now since the publication of M/m’s special issue on Weak Theory, a year of conversations both here on Print Plus—and, as Aarthi Vadde and Melanie Micir point out, across a range of other professional and para-professional spaces of engagement. Many thanks to all who...

Aug 15, 2019

What Are You Reading?

The Little Reviews

A Forum for capsule review of recent books of interest to our readers.

If you would like to write a capsule review (250-300 words) of one of the books featured in the Books of Interest section of our more recent print issues, we would welcome your submission at

Oct 19, 2021


Five Years of Visualities

Five years ago, in August 2019, the Visualities forum was established as a site for thinking through the visual relations and ocular regimes of modernity. It posed three broad provocations: “In what new ways might we discuss the visual as a special category—aesthetic, epistemological, political—...

Nov 25, 2024

Media Gallery