Call for Applications: Co-editor of Modernism/modernity
Call for Applications: Co-editor of Modernism/modernity
Due date: September 30, 2024
This year, the MSA Executive Committee will appoint a new co-editor of the Association’s official journal, Modernism/modernity. This co-editor will be appointed to a four-year term (July 1, 2025–July 1, 2029) and will serve as one of the journal’s editors, replacing Stephen Ross in that position. Please note: the Executive Committee will accept applications from editorial teams (of up to two editors) as well as from individuals.
The incoming editor(s) will serve two years as the junior editor(s) to Anjali Nerlekar and then two years as the senior editor to her successor. Responsibilities and initiatives are coordinated between the junior and senior editors’ offices–whether teams or individuals. Each “office” (junior or senior) has responsibility for assigning peer review, editing, and the production of two print issues per year. Responsibilities for Print Plus are currently shared between the two editorial offices and book reviews are handled by the reviews editors Stefanie Sobelle and Martin Harries (now completing the first year of their three-year term, 2024-27).
We strongly encourage applications from scholars who will further the MSA’s commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of the journal.
Each editorial office receives $20,000 USD in annual support from Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP); this is intended to cover some of the stipend toward the employment of a managing editor. Typically, the managing editor has been a graduate student at the co-editor’s institution, although we welcome applications from faculty at non-research universities, provided there is a cogent plan for securing adequate editorial support. Any other editorial office expenses must be covered by the co-editor’s institution; we strongly advise that any additional funding secured be sufficient to cover a second graduate student editor at full or half-time.
*If you are applying as a team, please note: JHUP only provides two $20,000 stipends–one for the junior office, one for the senior office.
Applications should include:
- a vision statement (approximately 1,000 words)
- a description of qualifications (a paragraph)
- a C.V. (editorial teams should include one for each member)
- a statement about the funding resources to be brought to the position (including course releases, institutional support for the Managing Editor and other editorial support, etc.)
The Executive Committee will interview finalists for the position on Zoom in October.
By no later than September 30, 2024 applicants should send their materials as email attachments to MSA President Louise Hornby (, and Modernism/modernity co-editors Stephen Ross ( and Anjali Nerlekar (
We strongly encourage inquiries about the position before applying and would appreciate hearing before the deadline from those who are considering submitting an application. The current editors will be happy to speak with those interested and answer any questions about the position. Please contact the MSA President and Modernism/modernity co-editors at the email addresses above.