Queer Kinship among the Stars: H.D., Silvia Dobson, and Astrology
Editing Willa Cather’s Letters for Digital Publication: A Dialogue
The Meteorological Device: Literary Modernism, the Daily Weather Forecast and the Productions of Anxiety
Europe Knows Nothing about the Orient: A Critical Discourse from the East (1872–1932). Edited by Zeynep Çelik
Woman with a Movie Camera: Marie Menken’s Visual Variations on Noguchi (1945)
Precarity, Caregiving, and Covid
A Language of Esoteric Signs: Deciphering Jewish and Masonic Gestures in Viennese Expressionism
“Move Forward and Ascend!” Temporality and the Politics of Form in Turkish Modernist Literature
Women Writing Jewish Modernity, 1919–1939 by Allison Schachter
The World of Shakespeare and Company
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Zodiac Wheel, H.D. Papers