Irene Rozsa works on film and visual culture in Latin America. Her current book project focuses on film education, cine-clubs, and amateur filmmaking in Cuba. Her work has been published in Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, Canadian Journal of Film Studies, and in the edited anthology Cosmopolitan Film Cultures in Latin America, 1896-1960. She teaches at Concordia University.
Irene Rozsa

The Filmoteca Universitaria and Mid-Century Cinephilia at the University of Havana
Arriving in Havana in 1948, eighteen-year-old Néstor Almendros (1930–1992), who would go on to become one of the most renowned cinematographers of the twentieth century, found that “Cuba was a privileged place to see films.”[1] Not only did he find a large range of moviegoing options with hundreds of movie theaters showing films from d