Kaitlin Staudt is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Union College. Her research interests include global modernisms, the twentieth-century Turkish novel, and non-Western empires.
Kaitlin Staudt

“Move Forward and Ascend!” Temporality and the Politics of Form in Turkish Modernist Literature
This article addresses a phenomenon which literary critics frequently suggest might not exist: the Turkish modernist novel. In an article on modernism and the Turkish novel, Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk programmatically claims: in Turkey, “we did not have modernism in the true sense of the word.” Emphasizing stream of consciousness techniques, fragmented narratives, and a limited period of emergence, he points to a laundry list of modernism’s standard definitional features, all of which he claims are not appropriate for understanding the development of the Turkish novel. However, a deeper look into the Turkish novel of