Christopher Bush

Group membership: 

Christopher Bush is Co-Editor of Modernism/modernity and oversees the Print Plus platform. He is Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literary Studies at Northwestern University.


Moving Day

It hasn’t been that long since my previous Editor’s Note, but this is my last opportunity to write one before my editorial term ends, so I can’t resist making a few remarks in addition to offering the usual round-up of recent publications.

I’m happy to announce that after some considerable effort on the part of our supporters at Johns Hopkins University Press, Print Plus publications will now be indexed on Google Scholar (in addition to continuing to be indexed by the MLA). This is another important step toward consolidating the legitimacy and academic currency of the journal’s digital platform.

Race in the Modernism/modernity Archives: The Harlem Renaissance and Beyond

We are pleased to be able to share here a selection of articles on race and modernism from past print issues of Modernism/modernity. Reflecting the history of the journal, many of these focus on the Harlem Renaissance, but we’ve also included articles on the Caribbean and Brazil as well as a more broadly comparative treatment of race...

2020 Vision

It’s already become a standard joke that the first month or so of this year has surely been one of the longest decades any of us have lived through. But the alerts on our phones, the decorations in the stores, and the unflappable, implacable calendar remind us that 2020 is really just getting started.

Fielding Questions

The study of literary modernism has expanded so dramatically over the past few decades that I’ve heard more than one colleague ask in exasperation, “Well, then, what isn’t modernism?” As Stephen Colbert might ask: is this a great problem to have . . . or the greatest? Almost certainly the latter, but even so, such dynamism and growth bring challenges: so much to read, compelling us to choose from among the now-dizzying array of possibilities, according to criteria that are themselves subject to change.