Sarah Gleeson-White is an Associate Professor in English at the University of Sydney. Her most recent book, Silent Film and the Formations of U.S. Literary Culture: Literature in Motion, is due out with Oxford University Press in March 2024.
Sarah Gleeson-White
We Need to Talk About Camille
Dear Sarah, I’m in the foothills of holiday territory as I write this, so forgive (or at least understand) this opening bout of sentimentality. However, there’s a formal point here, if not a critical one, so I take some comfort in the fact that this is periphrasis with a purpose.
Hamlin Garland, Multimedia Modern
Hamlin Garland is principally remembered today as a late-nineteenth-century Midwestern regionalist whose fiction and nonfiction—including his fine collection of short stories, Main-Travelled Roads (1891) and his memoir of sorts, A Son of the Middle Border (1917)—depict the hardships of pioneer life on the Middle Border.